David Cotton


As a Certified Professional Coach I am committed to help you discover the passions in your life and authentic self so you can explore and claim your humanity to live joyfully.

Certified Professional Coach

NLP Practitioner

Sex & intimacy Coaching

Journey To A Better Life

©️ 2024 David Cotton Coaching, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

How we will work together...

You will uncover and embrace your true power, leading to a deeper ​sense of fulfillment and purpose.

During our journey together, we will:

  • Break free from limiting beliefs to reveal your authentic self
  • Gain insight into your values, purpose, and interests
  • Acquire practical techniques to handle stress and obstacles
  • Set realistic goals that resonate with your values
  • Discover tools and strategies to nurture genuine relationships
  • Develop a personalized plan for a more enriching life

The expected outcomes include:

  • Enhancing your confidence, resilience, and overall well-being
  • Cultivating a growth mindset for sustained authenticity and happiness

My Journey to Coaching

Hello, my name is David Cotton and I am passionate about helping ​you discover and embrace your most authentic self.

Throughout my military and corporate careers, as well as my personal ​life, I have faced numerous challenges and navigated many transitions ​and transformations, including multiple major career changes, and ​finding my true authentic self.

In my 40+ year career I’ve been mentoring and coaching people to ​achieve their personal level of excellence and success. As a retired US ​Air Force brigadier general, former senior executive in the Department ​of Defense, corporate vice president, consultant, and active leadership ​roles in personal development and advocacy/charity organizations, I ​bring a wealth of life experience and a down-to-earth, practical ​perspective to my coaching practice.

I know what it's like to feel lost or stuck and to search for purpose and ​fulfillment. I am committed to creating a safe, non-judgmental space ​for you to explore and grow.


A story of Pride

David Cotton tells his personal story of coming out later in life to television ​journalist Chenue Her of Iowa station WOI-TV. Go to Out Late With David ​for stories about coming out later in life LGBTQ+.

Podcasts Coming Out Later in Life LGBTQ+

Podcasts where I share my own personal journey to authenticity

graying rainbows: coming out later in life lgbt+

To get to know more about me, you can listen to Episode 50 of the podcast, Graying Rainbows: Coming Out Later in Life LGBT+, hosted by Dr. Ginger Campbell.

the vulnerable man podcast

Christopher Veal’s podcast, The Vulnerable Man, Episode 56, sharing my story related to being a vulnerable man, where I see this as a strength and not a weakness.

What clients are saying about David Cotton Coaching

From George: Talking with David and using his ​resources likely saved my life. I am forever grateful! At a ​time where I felt completely alone and isolated. He ​helped me realize that I am in fact not alone and my ​situation is common amongst LGBT men. Talking to him ​was extremely comforting because he had been ​through my situation and made it out on the other side ​as a better man and human.

From Bob: David is an amazing coach! He really listens, ​and was able to sort through my mess, and hone in on ​what was holding me back. He gives me real motivation ​when I’m losing my way. More importantly, he’s kept ​me on track and demanded accountability, which was ​key to helping me reach my goals. If you need a ​compassionate “kick in the pants”, paired with some ​valuable life strategy, David Cotton is your man!

From Phillip: David helped me get through the ​challenges in my life: controlling my eating habits, ​difficulty with co-workers, and finances. Others ​observed since talking with David, my attitude has ​become more positive and upbeat.